Retro Rides Gathering 2016

It was that time again where David from Retro Rides approached me to produce another event video for their glorious Retro Rides Gathering. From the two years of producing videos for this event, the one thing I did learn is to prep whilst you can and this year was no exception. I used the same rough template as the previous year then tweaked to suit. Instead of producing 3 different event videos we produced one main video with a few different social videos to keep the interest going for the event.

The burnout video had a great response from the public:

Then we also had some rollout footage:

There were another 4 rollout videos! For each of them we placed a GoPro near the entrance and let the drivers do their thing.

2016 was shot by:

Start line – Matthew Dear
Field footage – Thom Williams
Hill climb footage & edits – Jason Laroza
Additional Support – James Hurley

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